List of Michael Apted Films




Because he's the oldest, Jake has been the man of the house, since his parents divorce. When Mom starts seeing Sam, who always seems to be trying some new way to get rich quick, and declares he's the man of the house now, Jake puts up with it. Until he discovers Sam's illegal activities.




Jim MacLaine is now enjoying the nomadic 'gigs and groupies' life on tour with his band. When he achieves all his wildest dreams of international stardom, the sweet taste of success begins to turn sour.

Coal Miner's Daughter

Coal Miner's Daughter


Biography of Loretta Lynn, a country and western singer that came from poverty to fame.

Continental Divide

Continental Divide


A hard-nosed Chicago journalist has an unlikely love affair with an eagle researcher.

Critical Condition

Critical Condition


Eddie is a con artist. But this time he's framed and comes before a judge. By claiming insanity, he hopes to get off the hook. He manages to end up in a hospital for a mental examination. That night, a storm breaks out over New York, and the electricity to the hospital is broken. In the ensuing chaos that follows, Eddie is taken for a doctor. Suddenly he is in charge of a whole hospital!

Gorillas in the Mist

Gorillas in the Mist


The story of Dian Fossey, a scientist who came to Africa to study the vanishing mountain gorillas, and later fought to protect them.




An FBI man with Sioux background is sent to a reservation to help with a murder investigation, where he has to come to terms with his heritage.